Monday, January 5, 2009
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Talents in u should be like spider's web it may not be strong enough to hold this whole world, but it should hold urself to rule ur kingdom...
Listen to ur Enemy's speech..Bcaz ur mistakes are known by ur Enemy's-Shakespeare..
Most valuable lines: B strong n ur decisions, either t givs victory r failure,Bt t ll teach u a lesson whethr 2 do r nt 2 do!!
If a person wins without any troubles, tat is just a victory.But if one wins with lots of troubles, tat is HISTORY...
"A ship is alwayz safe at the shore but it was not built for tat."- Albert Einstein take risk!!
To become the king of the world basically you should be a servent of ur heart.- Alexander the Great...
Loveless life is a fruitless tree...but friendless life is a rootless tree, tree can live without fruit but cant live without root...
Success n lif wil create crowd 4 U, Loneliness n lif wil create space 4 u,bt tough times n lif wil create d true person n u!
Fall Seven times,stand up eight!- Japanese proverb
Purpose of words is to create silence:-Sri Sri Ravishankar
"We work for making Better Tomorrow But wen tomorrow comes instead of Enjoying, Again v start thinking for Better tomorrow."-Dhirbhai Ambani
The loser says- "Its possible but it difficult". The winner says- "Its difficult but its possible".Be the winner in LIFE...
i can nvr say which way our frnshp will go, al i know is, evn if v r miles apart,u'l remain as d cutest piece of puzzle completing my life...
When the sea was calm all ships alike showed mastership in floating..-Shakespeare
Victory is not the property of brilliants...Its the crown for those who bow them in front of Hard Work & Confidence - Adolf Hitler
"Do not lower ur goals to the level of ur abilities, Instead raise ur abilities to the height of ur goals" - Swami Vivekananda...
Millions saw the apple fall, but Newton was the one who asked why, B- Baruch...
The depth of ur character will be revealed in the way u respond to situations u dislike...!
"The quickest way to acquire self-confidence is to do exactly wat you are afraid to do"
Tension is the poison of the ambition..! so no more tension, hav full attention on ur ambition, u will be in gud position...
You can't dream urself into a character; you must hammer and forge urself one-James A.froude
The best and last sentence ever Said By Romeo ! " Love is not made by the time! It is made with person with whom the time is spent!
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